What was just a very distant thought not long ago seems to become more and more a clear vision now… I’m not sure if this is really the starting point but the idea is spinning in my head for weeks now and I like it. I guess that I might give it a try…
Category Archives: WLAN
Cisco WLC Log Levels
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7 Debugging
Generate a Certificate with openSSL that Binds to Multiple Names (SAN)
Cisco ISE allows you to install a certificate with multiple Subject Alternative Name (SAN) fields. A browser reaching the ISE using any of the listed SAN names will accept the certificate without any error as long as it trusts the CA that signed the certificate.
Site Survey Best Practices
- Reduce the power level on the AP to half the expected client max. power value. Turn off Dynamic Transmit Power Control (DTPC) for the survey.
- Use the antenna intended for the final deployment.
- Set the AP mode to Diversty, both on the 2.4-GHz and the 5-GHz bands if you use omnidirectional antennas.
– MRC (Multi Ration Combining)
– TxBF (Transmit Beamforming)
– Spatial Multiplexing
Channel Bonding (40-MHz)
Block Acknowledgements
SGI (Short Guard Interval)